What To Expect From Fall Fishing in Myrtle Beach

What to Expect from Fall Fishing in Myrtle Beach
Though summer is quickly coming to an end, it doesn’t mean that dreams of Myrtle Beach inshore/nearshore or South Carolina deep sea fishing need to fly out the window. Anglers from near and far still flock to the Grand Strand to cast a line out into the water, knowing full well the differences between fishing and catching but happy to take on the challenge. With the weather cooling to the mid-seventies and the cool breezes coming in, fish in the Myrtle Beach area are still hungry.
What fish can I catch during the fall in Myrtle Beach?
In particular, there are certain fish that anglers have a better chance of catching during the fall season than during other times of the year. With temperatures a bit cooler and fishing charter captains ready to take out excited anglers, you can rest assured that plenty of fish are in the sea.
During the fall months, Tarpon work their way back south through the cool waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Tarpons feed on baitfish such as grunts, pilchards, pinfish, minnows, mutton, and threadfin herring. The best way to catch Tarpon is to use what they eat naturally. And though there are never any guarantees, your skilled and experienced Crazy Sister Marina guide will ensure that you have access to the right bait to draw in Tarpon if that is what you are hoping to catch.
With the cooler temperatures that come with the fall, massive Redfish bulls that range from 30” to five feet in length can be caught offshore. These large fish are massive trophies and are fun to reel in for any angler. In addition, Redfish are drawn to crab, shrimp, pilchards, mullet, pinfish, grunts, pigfish, and Atlantic croakers.
Speckled Sea Trout
The Spotted or Speckled Sea Trout can grow to nearly 39 inches in length and 17 pounds, making it quite the prize for an angler lucky enough to real one in. And thankfully, the Speckled Sea Trout tend to congregate in the waters around the Murrells Inlet area during the cooler months, making them an easy target. These fish are drawn to live shrimp, but mullet, pinfish, and dead shrimp will also work and have been known to help draw it in.
Fall fishing in Myrtle Beach can be quite a magical experience
We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again. Fall in the South Carolina Low Country is one of the best times to get your fish on. With an abundance of bait and coo water temperatures, not to mention a cooler outdoor temperature more comfortable for anglers, fish begin to gorge themselves and are scouting for bait. Large Redfish and the Speckled Sea Trout gather in schools and are frequently located, feeding beneath birds. Other times, these fish can be found chasing shrimp in shallower waters. These scenarios provide some of the best sight fishing opportunities for anglers who enjoy sight fishing.
Whatever way you want to experience fall fishing in Myrtle Beach, Crazy Sister Marina has got you covered.